IR Temperature Measurement Webinar for Metals Made Simple
January 27, 2020
AISTech2020 Steel Show (Canceled)
March 2, 2020

Temp Measurement Recorded Webinar

Date: February 26, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

WHAT: IR Temperature Measurement Webinar for Metals Made Simple

SCOPE: This is a non-mathematical, technical webinar on how to choose and deploy the right infrared temperature sensor for metal surface temperature measurements.  Many suppliers offer dozens of sensor options and some offer a range of IR cameras (thermal imaging cameras) that also may be considered. It is easy to spend thousands of dollars on a sensor that does not accurately measure metal surface temperatures.  You can avoid this fate if you better understand four key technical issues.  We’ll address questions regarding sensor wavelength choices, spot size ratios, IR cameras vs. IR spot sensors, and the right time to consider a 2-color/ratio pyrometer.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn which sensor wavelength is appropriate for temperature measurement on metal surfaces
  • Understand the concept of spot size ratio and how this applies to temperature measurement applications.
  • Learn the advantages and disadvantages of using IR cameras vs. a single-spot IR sensor.
  • Understand the basics of ratio pyrometry and which applications are best served by this measurement technology.

Duration: 60 minutes