Noshok Expands Their Pressure Offering
November 7, 2019
Calling All Allen Bradley Users!
May 5, 2020

Optris Infrared Sensing

Optris Infrared Sensing just released their newly designed, 2-color, ratio, fiber-optic infrared thermometers! Choose from two newly designed CTratio instruments –  the 1M or 2M.

Using the CTratio IR sensors, temperatures can now be measured as low as 250*C (482*F) and as high 3000*C (5432*F).  The industrially ruggedized sensing head and fiber cable can operate in ambient temperatures up to 315*C (599*F) without cooling.  See the following list for some of the new features available or click on the links below to download the technical data sheets:

  • Adjustable Focusing with up to 100:1 optical resolution
  • Green laser sighting for accurate spot size indication and alignment location on incandescent targets
  • Adjustable response time (Response to 90% step change in signal) from 1mS to 10 seconds
  • User selects single wavelength or ratio operation
  • (2) Isolated 0/4 – 20mADC outputs
  • Easy setup with Optris supplied Ratio Connect Software


For application questions and/or to schedule an on-process demonstration at your facility, call Schlemmer at 800-733-3298.