Pyromation now has bi-metal dial thermometers
October 20, 2017
2017 Dynisco Product Catalog
Dynisco Product Portfolio Catalog
December 6, 2017

Monarch’s Track-It Pressure Transmitter/Data Logger with Digital Display

Monarch Instrument, a manufacturer of high quality, panel mounting and portable data loggers and recorders, recently released their Pressure Transmitter / Data Logger / Display unit. The pressure device powers with 24vDC and comes standard with an isolated 4-20mADC transmitter output. The data logger can record up to 130,000 samples for data backup or archiving. The logging sample rate may be may be set from 1 sample every 2 seconds to 1 sample every 24 hours. One can configure to record both pressure or vacuum plus ambient temperature. For more information on the Monarch Instrument pressure data loggers, please click the following data sheet links or call Schlemmer, toll free at (800) 733-3298.

Monarch Pressure Data Logger with Display

Monarch Pressure Data Logger

Monarch Pressure Transmitter Logger Display